
- 水道長度 25 米
- 水池總寬 16 米
- 標準 6 水道泳池
- 可容納人數 40 人
- (一) 訓練水池培訓課程學員
- (二) 公私立學校機關團體
- (三) 一般民眾以具有游泳能力者為原則,另身高不及120公分者需由有能力照顧者購票陪同入池。
- (四) 凡患有心臟病、高(低)血壓、心血管疾病、癲癇症、氣喘病、傳染性皮膚病及其他影響公共衛生安全者,不得使用。
- 本訓練池對外開放時間為本專區課程訓練外之上班日(週一至週五)。
- 開放月份:3月 至 11月
- 開放時間:上午6:00-9:00、下午16:00-19:00。
- (一) 本訓練池酌收保險清潔費,請繳費入場。
- (二) 65歲以下(含陪同入場者):50元/人
茄萣、湖內、路竹居民 (入場須出示證件):25元/人
適用對象 | 金額 |
(含陪同入場者) |
50元/人 |
(入場須出示證件) |
25元/人 |
(入場須出示證件) |
免費 |
- (三) 公私立學校機關團體,採預約入場制,請於 1 個月前先以電話預約使用時段,
確認後再上網下載申請表,表格填妥後請以傳真或 E-mail 回傳本專區營運管理單位,
並於使用前 7 個工作日完成繳費。
適用對象 | 金額 |
訓練池包場,含配置泳池救生員 2 名
3,500 元/1 時段 |
訓練池包場,自備合格救生員至少 2 名
(須提供合格證明文件) |
2,500 元/1 時段 |
2. 救生員合格證明文件包含:「救生員資格檢定辦法」檢定合格之有效證照影本、 切結書(包場期間無兼任其他職務)。
- 預約網址:https://www.mtic.org.tw/
(MTIC 官網/綜合服務/空間租借服務/訓練水池)
E-mail 信箱:jammylee@mail.mirdc.org.tw
- (四) 本訓練池每場次人數最多容納40人(不含本專區工作人員及救生員)。
- (一)請於本專區大門口守衛室登記,進入專區後請依指示路線前往訓練池;公私立學校機 關團體採預約制,請於 1 個月前上網預約,並於 7 個工作日前完成繳費。
Register at the security station at the MTIC main entrance and follow the indicated route to the Offshore Training Pool. For schools, institutions, and group reservations, please book online one month in advance and complete payment at least 7 working days before the scheduled date. - (二)游泳人員須憑使用證明始得入池(需脫鞋進入)。
Users must present their entry license before entering the pool. (Please take off your shoes before entering). - (三)嚴禁未開放時間私自進入。
Unauthorized entry is strictly prohibited during closed hours. - (四)游泳人員有義務先行瞭解本訓練池使用注意事項與場內各種警示標誌,並遵守之。
Users are obliged to first understand the precautions for using this training pool and various warning signs in the venue, and abide by them. - (五)凡未滿十二歲兒童或不諳水性者,須有家長或成人全程陪同監護。
Children under the age of twelve or those who are not well-trained must be accompanied by parents or guardians throughout the entire process. - (六)身高120公分以下,入池應全程穿戴助浮器。
Children under 120cm must wear back float or buoyancy aids during whole process before entering the Offshore Training Pool. - (七)禁止錄影、拍照、開直播等,以免影響其他使用者及其肖像權益。
Video recording, photographing, live streaming, etc., are prohibited in the area to protect portrait rights for all users. - (八)開放時間內,須絕對服從管理員及救生員之指揮,如有不聽管理員或救生員之指導者,應自負一切責任,且得由管理人員或救生員令其離池。
During the opening hours, users are obliged to abide by the instructions given by the administrator and lifeguards. If not, users shall take all the responsibilities and may be instructed to leave the pool. - (九)入池前應先淋浴,並檢視個人裝備及用品,妥為保管後洗腳入池。
Users are instructed to take a shower, make sure the personal belongings are properly kept and wash feet before entering the pool. - (十)嚴禁使用防曬油或其他化妝保養品,以免污染水質。
Using sunscreen or other cosmetics is prohibited. - (十一)入池應穿著游泳衣或游泳褲,並應加戴游泳帽,未符規定不得入池。
Swimwear and cap shall be worn when entering the pool. Entry is not allowed without proper attire. - (十二)除浮板或助浮器外,嚴禁攜帶食物、寵物、危險物品(尖銳物、玻璃等)及其他物品(蛙鞋、球類…等)入池。
Except for kick-board and buoyancy aids, all items including food, pets, dangerous items (sharp objects, glass products) and others (diving fins, balls) are prohibited. - (十三)下池前應作充分的準備運動,以伸展筋骨活動,增加體溫,嚴防抽筋或運動傷害。
Before entering the pool, perform adequate warm-up exercises to stretch muscles and increase body temperature to prevent cramps or sports injuries. - (十四)為維護大眾安全,凡有酗酒情形、精神恍惚或狀態不良者及患有皮膚病、心臟病、癲癇症或傳染疾病者,或覺身體不適或過於疲累時,不得進入訓練池內;感到疲倦、不舒服、口唇發紫、齒顫或發抖時應立即上岸。
To ensure the safety of users, individuals with alcoholism, absentmindedness, exhaustion, skin diseases, heart diseases, infectious diseases or epilepsy are not permitted to enter the training pool. If you feel tired, uncomfortable, shivering with cyanotic lips or chattering teeth, please leave the pool immediately. - (十五)禁止使用者在池內或訓練池走道旁從事嬉戲、追逐、疊羅漢、跳水等有危險性之活動,另訓練池四周走道、洗腳池、盥洗室、更衣室等固定設施,請小心使用。
Users are prohibited from engaging in risky activities such as playing, chasing, stacking people and diving in the pool or along the poolside. Be cautious when using fixed facilities around the training pool, such as walkways, foot-washing stations and locker rooms. - (十六)除溺水外,池中勿高聲呼叫、嬉鬧喧嘩、潛水或惡作劇。
Except for emergencies, avoid shouting, making noise, diving, or engaging in inappropriate behavior in the pool. - (十七)初學游泳者,請勿入深水區(泳池最深區域160公分,最淺區域120公分)。
Beginners should not access the deep end of the swimming pool. (the depth of deepest area: 160 cm; the shallowest area: 120 cm) - (十八)入池游泳者,嚴禁在池內吐痰、便溺及丟棄垃圾雜物等。
Users are strictly prohibited from spitting, urinating, and littering in the pool. - (十九)更衣室內使用完畢,應將更衣室整理乾淨並將垃圾帶出更衣室。
Users are required to tidy up the changing rooms after using and disposing of personal trash properly before leaving the changing rooms. - (二十)訓練池區內各項設備應珍惜使用,如有損壞須照價賠償。
All facilities in the Offshore Training Pool should be used with care. Users who cause any damage or destruction to the facilities shall be responsible for compensating the original lessee. - (二十一)凡訓練池設定之救生器材及其他設備,非緊急必要時,嚴禁擅自動用,違者議處。
Lifesaving equipment and other facilities provided in the Offshore Training Pool should not be used without permission, except in case of emergency. The authority reserves the right to take disciplinary action against violators. - (二十二)本訓練池提供置物櫃置放個人物品,本專區不負保管責任。失物一個月內未領回,視同拋棄。
We provide lockers for storing personal belongings but we are not responsible for any loss or missing property. Items not claimed within a month will be considered abandoned. - (二十三)未經本專區事先核准,不得於本訓練池進行教學訓練。
Teaching or training in the Offshore Training Pool without prior approval from the authority is not allowed.